Puma AIFV, Germany’s innovative but problematic wild cat

We are investigating the Puma armoured infantry fighting vehicle. What are the advantages of the Puma? Why is the process so problematic? What are the unique problems of the Puma? When will the vehicle reach full operational capacity? Welcome to our channel. All the weapon systems are like books. They tell us their stories. The Weapon Detective investigates these books, reads between the lines, analyse, and tells the untold. In the dawn of the Second Cold War, the fruits of new projects give us clues of the future. But current weapon systems also have their own stories. In our videos, you can find technical information as well as historical backgrounds, what happened during the development processes, combat experience and political projection. While the Second Cold War rising, Let’s investigate the weapons together. © Bundeswehr, harry4468, Deutscher Bundestag, Rheinmetall Defence, Welt, martin haddeman, KTV, CNN, AP, yolkhere, US Army, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd
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