Zig in 100 Seconds

Zig is general-purpose systems programming language often used as an alternative to C, C , and Rust. Learn the basics of Zig in this quick tutorial. #programming #code #100secondsofcode 💬 Chat with Me on Discord 🔗 Resources Zig Lang C in 100 Seconds C in 100 Seconds 🔥 Get More Content - Upgrade to PRO Upgrade at Use code YT25 for 25% off PRO access 🎨 My Editor Settings - Atom One Dark - vscode-icons - Fira Code Font 🔖 Topics Covered - What is Zig? - Is Zig fast? - Zig quickstart tutorial - Zig vs C - Zig vs Rust - Memory management in Zig explained - How do Zig allocators work?
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