Palace of Wisdom | Serenitea Pot Tutorial & Replica ID

The palace of wisdom, where scholars take a rest and enjoy the scenery and peacefulness. Built with a personal bedroom and painting area, books to read, stuffed toys to cuddle and play, enjoy a warm cozy night in front of a fireplace, view the modelled toy boat - mittoboru, bond with tubby or enter the main mansion. REPLICA ID MASTER LIST: If you’re done replicating this design, could you please contribute and share a new code for everyone to use so it will always be available. your replica will be added to my backup id list with your name, and if ever you are going to delete them, please make an advance notice so i can make backups as I will be deleting my replica IDs whenever a new design comes out so please reply here with a new code for that replica. thank you so much! Post a reply with: Backup Owner Name: Replica ID: Server: Modified: (Yes/No) If you modified the desig
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