My Saviour First Of All (hymn) - Fanny J. Crosby

There ap­peared in Lon­don a man who styled him­self the mes­si­ah, and for ma­ny weeks a large crowd was at­tract­ed to him. One night, how­ev­er, as he was talk­ing in one of the open squares in the city, a small band of the Sal­va­tion Ar­my passed along, sing­ing, “I shall know Him, I shall know Him, By the print of the nails in His hand.“ The great throng joined in the cho­rus. Fin­al­ly some­one point­ed at the self-styled Christ and said, “Look at his hands and see if the print of the nails is there.“ They did as di­rect­ed, but no print ap­peared, and they at once left off fol­low­ing him.
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