The workout:
Scoring based on:
A. Total weight of STOH
B. AMRAP Rounds
0-5 minutes
Find 1 rep max shoulder to overhead
5-15 minutes
AMRAP of ;
- 10 T2B
- 15 wallballs 20/14
- 20 box jump overs (24“/20“)
Shoulder to Overhead - athlete will have five minutes to find 1 RM shoulder to overhead.
Workout begins when the clock starts 3,2,1... Go.
The barbell must be unloaded and can start off the rack.
It is a shoulder to overhead (no clean required)
10 Toes to Bar (T2B):
Athlete must go from full hang
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Гимнастика при поражении блуждающего нерва. Проф. Л.Ф.Васильева, Дубай