️🫡 In the DPR, employees of the Russian Guard and military counterintelligence discovered a workshop of the Azov national regime

️🫡 In the DPR, employees of the Russian Guard and military counterintelligence discovered a workshop of the Azov national regiment* for the production of explosive devices In a residential building in one of the settlements, machines and tools for changing the design of ammunition and disguising them as household items were found. The approaches to the workshop were carefully mined - sappers of the Russian Guard neutralized several cocked grenades with tripwires. 🟥 During the inspection of the building, more than half a ton of large-caliber ammunition, mines, grenade launcher shots, fuses, as well as gunpowder and other explosives packaged in plastic bottles were discovered. In addition, uniforms of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian National Guard were found, including tank overalls donated by Germany, and symbols of the Azov national regiment. Источник: Chronicles Of The Conflict
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