Rothschilds [via UNCED] Gained Global Control via UN Environmental Treaties in 1992

Reference: UNCED Earth Summit Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, June 1-12 1992 This is a video produced & narrated by US Citizen, George Hunt, of Boulder, Colorado. | Mr. Hunt once acted as an official host at a key environmental conference held in Denver, Colorado in 1987. He was astonished to see at this meeting: David Rockfeller Edmund de Rothschild Maurice Strong (employee of the Rockefeller & Rothschild Trusts & Projects) the Secretary General of UN-Geneva Richard Baker who was then US Secretary of the Treasury the US EPA Administrator various World Bank and IMF Officials. What were the Rich Elite and Bankers doing at an environment congress in Colorado?? In this video Edmund de Rothschild can be heard speaking from 9:09 ... where he advocates (among other things) an environmental “Marshall Plan for the Second World“.
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