Строительство Московско - Ярославско - Архангельской железной дороги 1894-1897

Construction of the Moscow - Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway 1894-1897 Строительство Московско - Ярославско - Архангельской железной дороги 1894-1897 Music: Minuet for Piano in E major by Vasily Kalinnikov The Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railroad is one of the railways built during the era of the Russian Empire and was one of the first railways in Russia. The main lines were built on private capital in the years 1868 - 1900 on the lands of the Moscow , Vladimir , Yaroslavl , Tver , Kostroma , Vologda , Arkhangelsk provinces. The Yaroslavl Railway, owned by Savva Mamontov, and a number of statuues of the man were sighted along the railway. The Alexandrov–Yaroslavl–Vologda line was opened in 1872. In 1894, the construction of the railway connecting Vologda with Arkhangelsk started. The decision was taken to construct the line along the shortest route, which at the time ran through a sparsely populated area, and not along one of the existing trading routes, via Kargopol or Verkhovazhye. The construction was completed in 1897 In 1859 - 1900 the road belonged to the joint stock company of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway (the charter was approved in 1859 ) and was bought out by the Russian Treasury in 1900.... Nowadays the Northern Railway as it is called, is a subsidiary of the Russian Railways. Its total length is 5956 km. The headquarters are on the Volga Embankment in Yaroslavl. Its branches are based in Yaroslavl, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Solvychegodsk, and Sosnogorsk.....
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