How I Explain XRP and its Utility

I frequently find myself in discussions around digital assets with professionals that are looking to diversify their portfolio outside of legacy markets. This video goes over how I typically explain what XRP does and how it can be used to provide utility and value to the economy as a whole in the long term. 🖥Websites🖥 📱Official social media📱 Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn - 📝Business inquiries 📝 info@ 🚨***SEE DISCLAIMER BELOW***🚨 No information presented here on this channel or any platform listed above is financial, tax,, or legal advice. This content is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Always consult your financial advisor, CPA, or attorney before making any financial, tax, or legal decisions. #XRP #Ripple #ripplexrp #ripplenet #ripplenews #crypto #bitcoin #rtgs #blockchain #cryptocurrency #currency #cryptoinvesting #digitalassetinvestor #digitalperspectives
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