Is the Lancet 3 Truly Superior to the US Switchblade 600?

Since the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, there has been a notable rise in the use of Lancet drones by the Russian military. More specifically, they have been deploying the latest model known as the Lancet-3. The Russian Ministry of Defense unveiled a video on April 6, 2023, demonstrating the operational utilization of the Lancet-3 loitering munition during combat operations in Ukraine. On the other hand, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 23, 2022, the Biden administration declared its intention to deliver numerous Switchblade 600 systems to Ukraine. This loitering munition is commonly referred to as a suicide drone. So, between the US Switchblade-600 and Russia’s Lancet-3 kamikaze drone, which is more outstanding?
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