Surf Show Sensation (1960)

Item title reads - Surf show sensation! Sydney, Australia. Various shots of the members of different life saving clubs parading on the beach at the Maroubra life saving club. Various shots as they march along holding their banners. M/S crowd applauding. M/S as the life saving boats put out to sea amidst heavy waves. Various shots as the boats battle their way through the heavy surf. Various shots as they ride the waves, some boats are swamped. M/S crowds watching. M/S pan with one of the boats as it comes back to shore riding the waves very fast. It comes up alongside another boat, the “Queenscliffe“, which is caught by a heavy wave, it turns over throwing the men into the sea. M/S of a man hanging onto the boat as it turns over in the water, two men try and climb back onto the boat but it rolls over and tips them off. M/S Alan Barlow sitting in the swamped boat, he has injured his leg badly and can’t swim. He waves then puts his head in his hands. M/S of the other life savers going to his rescu
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