1st (single demo)

Eternal Hails and glad to have this moment with you guys, this was a very simple drum test that I made with my drums and testing vocals with the microphone that I bought (3 days before the recording itself). I know, it’s very raw, desordenated, etc. But this is just a fair sharing with the Depressive Suicidal Black Metal Militia, . Crying Impostor fans, this is an exclusive content for yal’, til’ this video, anybody had access to this audio before!! I really hope that you enjoy this content and tell me in the chat some sort of feedback, okay? Here is all the band links: And here’s the lyrics: Would my destiny be replaceable? Or is it just another sarcastic joke of life? Each chained laugh and happy thoughts overwhelmed The warmth that emerges from the chest In panic and breathless, applied in high doses as in heroin syringes Penetrating my veins and making me see another reality I’m dying for y
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