Harley - Davidson Anamorphic Test / Lomo NAP (Cheapest Solution)

It’s something between Sirui and Vazen (Sirui with 1,33x squeeze is actually not real anamorphic lens and its output is much more spherical than anamorphic - its not just about blue flares, but much more important for me is “waterfall“ bokeh / ovals, chromatic aberation and space distortion - this is why my way is harder than Sirui lenses), but of course this solution has many problems for serious use - however this is the cheapest solution ever... Pros: Minimal focus distance from zero (same as taking lens) Great sharpness in whole field of view (if you are lucky) Waterfall bokeh - very close to real anamorphic lenses You can add diopter inside the lens for better bokeh Cheapest solution ever (my was about 50,- €uro) Don’t need single focus = less optical elements Nice anamorphic flares and other light effects No vignetting even with short focal lenght Cons: Big and heavy - my gimbal to 3,5 Kg is out of game now Focusing is not easy and really depends on good eye Bokeh is not as Waterfall as
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