’Back To The 80’s’ | Best of Synthwave And Retro Electro Music Mix for 1 Hour | Vol. 17
Night Vision - Runaway 00:00
W O L F C L U B - Chasing the Storm 3:40
Absinth3 - Long Island (ft. Kaye Kiernan) 7:17
Dream Shore - Inner Strength 10:51
Mystvries - Never Know 14:03
LɅNights - DON’T STOP 17:06
Lets Talk - Im Just A Fool (ft. Zara) 19:16
MODERNS - Jarre 31:11
Personality - Believe Me I Know 34:48
NIGHTSKY - Sleeping Alone 38:25
Aysyne - Forever Now 41:28
Alex Vith - Mellow Sunsets 45:50
Smooth - Mastermind 50:06
Mental Minority - Homeward 53:15
Johnny Ola - Rider Of The Waves 58:15