Guidance for March 2021

Prayer for everyone watching this video, may you receive unconditional health, optimized wealth, quality trustworthy relationships. You are the very Source of all these things. The fiercest thing that you can do in every now moment is embody your Higher Self in human form, for the highest good of all those around you as well as and especially : You, dear beloved one. You are the Universe, you are an infinite being experiencing a human perspective within your Own One Oneness. What fears can hold you back when you know that? Do you fear death? Is that how attached you are to the body? Your body is the vehicle of this experience throughout form. Stay focused on wisdom. Trust divine cycles and wholly regeneration. Our universe is incredibly, credibly wise. Remember it. Trust thy heart. Forgive yourself for we have all suffered and caused suffering. To raise your vibration, meaning to align with your highest potential you must let love in and surrender that which no longer serves. Give yourself uncon
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