Crash Bandicoot: Warped - Templo dos Jogos Prototype Footage (Iron Clock Box Build)

Footage taken from Templo dos Jogos 61, 65 and 71. For documentation & archival purposes. This is a preview version built sometime before the July 29th, 1998 demo, as the iron clock box uses an even older clock design. Interestingly, the warp room time twister seems to have an unique sphere image at the start/end of Makin’ Waves, but it reverts to the common early design when Crash spawns on Tiny Tiger’s coliseum. Speaking of Tiny Tiger, the boss battle here is extremely unfinished - there is no cutscene and basically all sound effects are missing, plus Crash is able to use the bazooka. Credits to Jonn yuri for the original upload. Episode 61: Episode 65: Episode 71:
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