Try using Aloe vera sap, propagate money plants by leaves. 100% leaves sprout

Try using Aloe vera sap, to propagate money plants with leaves, 100% leaves sprout Choose soil that is humus-rich and well-drained. It is possible to mix the soil with rice husk humus, crushed honeycomb slag to create aeration for the soil. Or you can buy micro-organisms available at the bonsai store to help optimize the tree without much care. * Breeding money tree Money tree can be propagated by branches or by leaves, depending on the quantity needs, you can choose different propagation methods. - When propagated by leaves Leaf propagation makes it possible to grow in larger numbers, but the time for large plants will be long. From the mother plant, select leaves close to the base, strong, dark green, cut off the entire stem. Then soak the stem in water to stimulate the roots for about 2 hours and then plug it into the prepared soil pot, 1cm deep. It is recommended to water thoroughly at the first time, then water mist to maintain soil moisture every 2-3 days. About
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