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Usually, there is absolutely nothing worthwhile on my Facebook Marketplace, but I was surprised when I saw this custom-color Gibson Explorer from 1984 listed by its original owner show up. I drove up to Michigan to meet up with him and sealed the deal. I paid him more than a dealer was offering him and I’m happy to add it t
...o my personal collection.
Original Owner Sells Me His Custom Color 80s Gibson!
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✉️ Email for Business Inquiries ➡️ austin@
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⚙️ Gear Used to Make the Show:
Guitar Recording:
George L’s Guitar Lead: ebay -
Shure SM57 (Amp Cab Mic): ebay -
Audio Interface - Roland Duo Capture EX - amazon -
Universal Audio Apollo Twin: amazon -
Headphones: Focal Listen Professional: amazon -
Rode Videomic Go (backup audio): amazon -
Lens: Lumix 12-35mm : ebay -
Computer: Mac Pro 2013 - amazon -
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X - ebay -
American DJ Eco UV Bar Plus Blacklight: ebay -
Panasonic Lumix GH-4: amazon -
Camera Gimbal: amazon -
Camera Slider: amazon -
Rode NTG-2 (vocal room mic): amazon -Show more