Saudi Arabia now! Heaven’s punishment! Huge hail and snow in the desert

САУДОВСКАЯ АРАВИЯ Natural disaster news today: about natural disasters every day. November disaster. Live TV, bad weather, CNN news. The pain of the Earth will cleanse the Planet of humanity. The world in a day about harsh nature. Disasters happen here and now. Global warming is approaching. Severe weather. Many areas in Saudi Arabia are witnessing heavy rain accompanied by strong hail, and unstable weather conditions are appearing in the country’s aviation space. Al Karad, governor of the Kingdom’s northern Alja region, witnessed heavy rain along with hail today. A video circulating on social media shows Al Karad witnessing large hail accompanied by hail and strong winds, Glaciers forming and up to 60cm thick. The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) geological emergencies: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mudslides, landslides, collapses, avalanches; 2) hydrological emergencies: floods, tsunamis, lake disasters, inundations, inundations; 3) Fires: forest fires, peat
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