Korean Report Aka Korean Elections & Rainy Front (1952)

Pusan, South Korea. GV. People looking at political posters. SV. Back view People looking at political posters. SV. Type reading Syngman Rhee poster. LV. Queues waiting outside polling Station. & SV. (2 shots) SCU. Man and woman in polling booth. SV. Back view, woman carrying baby on back - recording vote in booth. CU. man with traditional Korean hat, recording vote. SCU. Soldier placing vote in ballot box. SV. Dr Syngman Rhee (First President of the Korean Republic) arriving at polling station. CU. Syngman Rhee talking to officials. SCU. Rhee walking towards ballot box. CU. Rhee, pan down to hand putting vote into box. Eastern Battlefront CU. Muddy highway, pan up to U.N. forces on hillside in pouring rain. SV. G.I’s digging trenches. SCU. G.I’s filling sandbags. SV. Back view, two G.I’s walking up muddy hill slope. CU. Feet walking in thick mud. MV. G.I building sandbag wall. MV. U.N. Gun firing. GV. Artillery shell exploding on hillside. GV. Smoke rising from hillside. (Orig. F.G.) (Orig.D)
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