Intermediate Russian: ГОСТИНИЦА. Part 1: Exploring the Topic & Learning New Words

This video is for students who study Russian as a foreign language at the university. It opens the topic “Hotel”. In part one, you will explore the topic and learn some useful vocabulary. This video can also help in mastering your listening comprehension skills. Recommended for students of the intermediate level. Do not miss the second part Гостиница. Part 2: What is there in a hotel room? If you like my channel and appreciate my work, please help me make more and better videos for you to learn Russian. Support my channel and website here: Buy my tutorial e-book “Russian Verbal Aspect in Contrast“, explaining a complex grammar concept with pictures, graphics, tables, key-words, and examples with no long texts. You can have it the way you prefer: in an e-book 🖥💻📲 or a print-out booklet.
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