21 Pole Seat Moves for Beginners & Intermediate Pole Dancers / 21 трюк с зацепом бедрами

There are so many amazing pole seat moves out there, so I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. Some of these are more beginner pole dance moves, while others are more intermediate. For some of these pole dance moves you can go into them from a ‘basic seat’ where as others like a side seat or martini seat need to be tried from a different position on the pole. Some of these seats look very similar but the grip points and add-ons would hopefully be different :) Pole seats are often pinchy and a little painful but I promise the pain does go with practice, so here are some fun seats to get you started: - Layout - Plank - 1 & 2 handed - Cross knee release - Cross ankle release - Pike - Pole hug - Side seat - Martini seat - Basic seat hands on - Basic seat hands off - Remi sit - Peter pan - Scissor seat - Seated knot - Hip hold - Fireman-elbow - Nymph seat - Wrist seat(s) - Twisted seat - Ball - Cup grip ball What
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