Money Boxes (1955)

Brighton, Sussex. C/U of a money box which looks like an American coin - it features Abraham Lincoln. “Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves“ states the narrator as the money box is turned over to show the other side. This is one of a collection of money boxes. C/U of some others. One looks like a cuckoo clock - when a coin is placed in the cuckoo pops out. The collection belongs to Mr Richard Kirlew of Brighton who is a savings bank actuary. Various examples are shown including a pair of ceramic shoes, houses, piggies etc. Many of the money boxes actually originate from real banks (particularly Trustee Savings Banks) including one issued by the Iowa State Bank in America. M/S of Mr Kirlew showing a young woman some of his collection. She takes notes. C/U of a Kokeshi doll money box from Japan issued by the Tokyo Savings Bank. C/U of Mr Kirlew and his assistant. C/U of an early piggy bank. C/U of an ornate house shaped money box and L/S of several of the money boxes
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