James & Lily • I’m secretly grateful you’re living this moment with me

Watch in HD to make me happy description: If there’s no end there can be no beginning I didn’t like this one but I felt like doing it anyway. Because I love Lily/James and my last vid of them received an amazing feedback. Besides I wanted to use some scenes manips of Lily/James getting ready to confront the death eaters. Idk if I failed tho. xD I like this song a lot but it still doesn’t feel right for J/L I just used it because I needed a song that changed the rhythm for something more angsty from the middle until the end. I’m not sure if I’m making any sense but I’m trying anyway lol Well, all I hope is that you guys don’t get much pissed off by how crappy it looks and give my OTP some love. They deserve it. Again no Snape or other marauders (except a quick appearance of Remus as werewolf) because it’d give me too much work (like look for actors, films with these actors etc) and I’m too lazy for it. But you’ll get some baby Harry in the end.
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