Pirates of the Mediterranean - Epic Roman Music

Music & vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed Ancient Roman music, it’s entirely modern music with an ancient theme using Greco-Roman instruments of the period. Many thanks to my friend Luke Ranieri of the polýMATHY channel for helping transform my original lyrics into something gramatically coherent; keep in mind that the Latin is very basic at best and not representative at all of the poetic and semantical conventions of Classical literature of Antiquity. I was inspired by Pierre de Marbeuf’s French poem “Et la mer et l’amour” and the way it plays with the semantical and phonetical properties of the words love and sea in Romance languages. The pronunciation used is the Restored Classical Pronunciation, the historical pronunciation of the city of Rome from around 100 B.C to 200 A.D. The melody follows Latin’s long and short vowels as well as the stress accent; long syllables are sang longer and the stressed part of the word are melodically accentuated, with a few exceptio
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