Why Program in TypeScript

Check out Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev’s book 📖 Typescript Quickly | 📖 To save 40% off this book ⭐ DISCOUNT CODE: watchfain40 ⭐ Yakov gives an overview of the main syntax constructs focusing on the benefits of using TypeScript as opposed to coding in JavaScript. 📚📚📚 Typescript Quickly | To save 40% off this book use discount code: watchfain40 📚📚📚 Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev are experienced web developers. They have authored two editions of Manning’s “Angular Development with TypeScript“. “TypeScript Quickly“ teaches you to exploit the benefits of types in browser-based and standalone applications. In this practical guide, you’ll build a fascinating blockchain service app that takes you through a range of type-sensitive programming techniques. As you go, you’ll also pick up valuable techniques for object-oriented programming with classes
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