⚔️Templars vs. Mamluks⚔️ The Final Battle for the Holy Land, 1263-1291

Sign up for a 14-day free trial and enjoy all the amazing features MyHeritage has to offer!  After crushing his Mamluk rivals, Sultan Baibars turns his armies against the Crusader States, which occupy the coast of the Holy Land. The Crusader States are dwarfed by the massive Mamluk Empire, and dangerously outnumbered by their armies. But crusader castles are powerful, their warriors capable and determined. At the forefront of the Crusaders are the military orders, especially the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller. Can Baibars overcome these courageous warrior monks? Will his vast legions, even with the advantage of numbers, be able to deal with Templar determination? This is truly a clash of the best against the best. The Mamluks are outstanding cavalry fighters, vanquishers of the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Jalut. But the Templars are led by Grand Master William of Beauju, a pious leader who fights alongside his knights, who will not yield in the face
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