The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch print on prusa

STL- The Holy grenade, made famous by its appearance in the films “Monty Python and the Holy Grail“ and “Ready player one“, is actually a movie prop modeled after the Globus Cruciger. The Globus cruciger has been a symbol of Christian authority since the Middle Ages, and was used along with coins, iconography, and the scepter as a royal regalia. For Easter, I reinterpreted and designed this as a folding cup design. It has a structure that can be easily opened and closed, and it is designed to present small and simple gifts or snacks inside. Please refer to the video for details. There is a tradition of giving and sharing gifts between people on Easter, so if you want to make a more unique and meaningful gift, it would be nice to deliver this folding Globus cruciger (Holy grenade) or put a small gift or snack inside it and deliver it together. Wishing you a Happy Easter. Largest part in printing, size = X 189mm, Y 165mm, Z 33mm, After full assembly size= X 75mm, Y 75mm, Z 130mm Total Build Time : 18h 30m / Plastic Weight : 72g
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