How The Simpsons Predicted All Of 2020

How The Simpsons Predicted All Of 2020... Somehow the Simpsons have done it once again. They predicted pretty much all of the events that have transpired in 2020. From coronavirus, to the BLM movement, and the many protests throughout the world. Not only did the simpsons predict all of these crazy things, they have also predicted other things that have come true regarding technology and other topics. The simpsons even somehow predicted Donald Trump becoming president and Those big scary bees coming to the US. 2020 is officially half way over and I think that its fair to say that its probably one of the worst years Americans have had in a long long time. The entire world has also been feeling the same thing. and yet the Simpsons managed to correctly predict everything in the last 30 days for example season 26 episode 1 the Simpsons predicted the looting and rioting going on in the last week due to the horrible things that have been happening in the United States.
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