Medusa, the Snake Haired Gorgon in Greek Mythology

The mortal Medusa along with her two immortal sisters Stheno and Euryale are known as the Gorgons and were born to the sea god Phorcys and the sea goddess Ceto in Greek mythology. All three of the gorgons (in the Greek sources) had wings, wide mouths, fangs or tusks, serpent hair, and had the ability to turn people to stone with their gaze. Later classical writers like Ovid depict Medusa as a beautiful maiden who was transformed into a woman with snake hair and a look that could kill by Athena (goddess of wisdom and war). Medusa the snake haired Gorgon is best known for her death at the hands of Perseus. Perseus arrived at the home of the Gorgons whilst they slept, and as he stood over the sleeping creatures, Athena guided Perseus’ hand while he looked into the reflection of a bronze shield so as not to be turned to stone by the gaze of the Gorgons if they awoke, and he cut off the head of Medusa with the adamantine sickle. The image of Medusa became not only a popular image but also an apotro
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