Возвращение - 7

Alco-Thrash Studio presents.. Heading: G Music Video A video film about the rock festival of the “Llor-n-kcor“ newspaper held at the club “House of Culture named after Lenin“. Russia, Velikiye Luki. Name: “Возвращение - 7“ (“Return - 7“) Genre: #hardrock #metal #rock #рок #thrashmetal #heavymetal When: May 02, 1998 Director: Gennady “J“ Moiseenko. Videographer: Alexander Vinogradov. Which groups participated: Лавина Corps(Avalanche Corps), Тени (shadows), Наташа Ростова (Natasha Rostova), Ядерные Ковбои (Nuclear Cowboys), 3 Июня (June 3), Шопот (Whisper), Никольский Собор (Nicholas Cathedral), Агония (Agony), Black shampu, Богема (Bohemia), Забавы Простолюдинов (Fun of Commoners). #РокФестивальВозвращение #RockFestivalReturn #GMusicVideo #AlcoThrashStudio
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