An ESOL activity to practice speaking English by creating and answering questions with CAN.
This video is useful for teachers to use with their students in ESOL class or parents with their teenagers (or even by yourself at home or work).
The video is divided into four main sections:
PART 1: Questions with short answers - Students need to answer the following questions with short answers (Yes, he can. No, they can’t etc.)
PART 2: Students need to create questions using CAN. There is a cartoon with a verb written above it. Students need to create a question using that verb and the modal verb CAN.
PART 3: Answer these 20 questions about you. Students need to a respond whether they CAN or CANNOT do the activities that are mentioned.
PART 4: Students need to say three things they CAN do, and then three things they CANNOT do.
There are cartoon characters that help to answer each question. These in turn can be used for additional vocabulary.
It is recommended that you pause after every question to give the student(s) time to answer (hopefully orally).
At the beginning of the video, before PART 1, there is a quick 1-minute summary of how to make questions with CAN in English.
#EnglishSpeaking #EnglishPractice #EnglishQuestions
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- Rob Woodward
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