The GRAB ATTACKS in aikido, by Stefan Stenudd

The attack techniques in aikido are called kogeki, and they are just as important to practice as the defense techniques. Here are the basic grab attacks, with some applications. The attacker (uke) should be just as focused and continuously aware as the defender (nage) in aikido. Otherwise, it is hardly possible to reach some skill in the aikido techniques. That means the attacker also strives to be balanced and effective. It also means that the attacker is active and adaptive all through the technique. Of course, this must be trained with care to avoid accidents, and the training should adapt to the levels of the participants. The attacks should be done so that the defender has a chance of trying and learning the techniques. As the defender improves, so do the intensity of the attacks. This video shows a number of basic grip attacks. It also shows how they might be followed up by strike attacks or throws. The aikido techniques should be done so that such follow-ups are avoided. Att
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