Unbelievable footage Europe | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

In Europe, a sudden and severe hailstorm wreaked havoc on several cities, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The storm, which lasted for over an hour, caused damage to buildings, vehicles, and crops in the affected areas. Eyewitnesses reported hailstones the size of golf balls, with some even as large as tennis balls. The force of the storm was so strong that it shattered windows and caused significant damage to roofs. Local authorities were quick to respond to the situation, with emergency services rushing to the affected areas to provide assistance. However, the extent of the damage caused by the hailstorm is still being assessed, and it is likely to be significant. Many residents are still coming to terms with the scale of the destruction caused by the storm. Some have described the event as “apocalyptic,“ with streets flooded and cars overturned by the force of the hailstones. The hailstorm is just the latest in a series of extreme weather events to hit Europ
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