Hymns of Gyer ~ by PHURPA ~ Zhang Zhung Bon Meditation ~ dedicated to the space of primordial being

Hymns of Gyer ~ by PHURPA ~ Zhang Zhung Bon Meditation ~ dedicated to the space of primordial being Mu Ye the recording was made during an acoustic session dedicated to the space of primordial being [mu-ye]. 21-22 february 2020. moscow. alexey tegin daniil zotov nikita korolev voices and 2 singing bowls. credits released April 17, 2020 ~~~ A Little Bit About Bon Bon Religion is the native religion of Tibet; it is considered the earliest religion in Tibetan history. Its worship objects include various natural objects such as sky, earth, sun and moon, thunder and lightning, hail, mountains, stones, grass and beasts, as well as gods and ghosts in nature. The word “Bon” of “Primitive Bon” means of repeated chanting, which refers to the repeated chanting of various primitive Bon mantras, The word “Bon” of “Yungdrung Bon” is Tibetan word which was paraphrased from the zhang zhung text “gyer”. Add a “Po” after “Bon” (Bonpo), it means “belief” or p
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