Maneesh de Moor ⋄ Icaro

For more information or to purchase this album visit, All instruments by Maneesh de Moor: Tobacco Branch Flutes, Native American Flutes, Amazonian Chakapa, Oak Tree Chakapa, Buffalo Skin Drum, Frame Drum, Balafon, Rainstick, Mini-Handpan, Maraca, Conde Guitar, Charango, special effects, RE-201, Whistling, Jaw Harp, Percussion on Dragonfly Realm by Rupesh ( ) Nature recordings by Maneesh, Bastiaan Kamavena, Dar Pan recorded, mixed and produced by Maneesh de Moor. 00:00 ⋄ Grandfather’s Icaro 07:29 ⋄ Colibri Icaro 10:30 ⋄ Agua Florida Blessing 17:57 ⋄ Medicine Blessing 22:46 ⋄ Calling in the Plants 28:54 ⋄ Noya Rao Icaro 34:29 ⋄ Icaro the River Dolphin 41:56 ⋄ Dragonfly Realm 46:03 ⋄ Anaconda Healing
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