Not Seeing Results with Retin-A (TRETINOIN)? Watch This Before You Quit & Avoid My Biggest Mistake

Not Seeing Results with Retin-A (TRETINOIN)? Watch This Before You Quit & Avoid My Biggest Mistake Never am I claiming to have flawless skin or be an expert in skincare. Rather, I’m sharing my lived experience as someone who’s been consistently using tretinoin for almost 2 decades now (in addition to having a basic skincare routine since around the age of 12). The goal anyway shouldn’t be achieving “perfect skin” as there is no such thing, but instead it should be for YOU to achieve YOUR best skin; and that goal is achievable! My complexion still has its flaws but, for ME, it’s as good as it’s going to get; I’m satisfied with my results. So I encourage you to stick with it, especially if you’re growing frustrated or impatient. Be patient & consistent. Don’t give up! (P.S. My biggest skincare “secret” remains my diet.) Research article links: On my face
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