~45 in - Niconico Video sm40314568

“For the third time It’s udon ◥ ◥ ◤ ◤ What can you do in 45 seconds? Was danced Because today is 4 (Yon) / 15 (Jugo) day Okinawa Prefecture is a beautiful place called Umikaji Terrace Okinawa is really warm in many ways Then, it’s soft ... Left: Udon right: Best friend pasta -chan (pseudonym) Pasta is not a dancer Entry in Danmas 45 seconds in this video Please look a lot if you like In addition, I am entering Love Generation 2022 in the umeun frame. Miume -san, I want you to help you to dance on the stage of Danmas with 217. ★ Prevention (tweet selection) ““end! ! Thank you for your cooperation ❤︎ » I broadcast it loosely, such as Nico raw games and chats If you think it’s a little good, I’d be glad if you support me (・ ᴗ ・*) Udon Twitter ➤ & w6bquay2safmw Udon ◥█̆ ◤ ◤ 04/14/2022 18:45 Views 1,934“
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