High Speed Design Rules in Altium Designer

(ENG) Buried in the PCB design rule set of Altium is a list of high speed rules. The rules themselves are rather straightforward; however, their use as it relates to high speed design is not necessarily obvious. This month’s webinar will explore these rules and discuss the application of the rules as they relate to high speed design issues. Rules that are not listed under the category of “high speed design“ but are very applicable to high speed design will also be discussed. In addition, we will also review the design rule features that Altium added to their PCB layout tool during the past year. For your viewing consideration, we have enclosed a link to our 2014 webinar on the Altium’s design rule checker. Though the dialogues have changed recently, the functionality and capabilities introduced in the video are still available within the tool. This is a great video for those trying to get acclimated to Altium’s design rule methodology and a good refresher for those who want to
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