The Evolution of Dance - Kpop Edition - by Ricardo Walker’s Crew (male groups only)
Our merchandise for the entire world -
Nossos produtos para Brasileiros -
If you enjoyed our video, make sure to hit the LIKE button, subscribe to the channel and follow us on instagram:
Ricardo Walker: @RicardoWalkerMJ
Patrick Vilar: @
Gabriel Zaidan: @zaidans
Alexandre Mayrink: @alemayrink
Ruan Lopes: @ruansulopes
And we are so thankful for those amazing people/professionals/companies that help us so much to make this video possible:
@ - DK Studios for always providing us with the beautiful space to rehearsal and record.
@ , @denerclisman and @letscarolina for such a great directing us into the Kpop world.
@evandrohaircuts for the amazing hair color and cuts.
@vidadehomembh , @colabloja , @luma2j, @pedrobirra and @mateus_szal for helping us so much with the costumes.
And a special thanks for Rosangela Machado for always helping us with so many things.
The Evolution of Dance - Kpop Edi