See the face of the richest man who ever lived for the first time

Ever wonder what historical figures actually looked like? Now we can thanks to groundbreaking new technology. Scientists put a face to a name after reconstructing the countenance of Tutankhamun’s grandfather Amenhotep III, marking the first time the iconic figure’s true likeness had been recreated in 3,400 years. “If we are not mistaken, this is the first facial approximation of Amenhotep III,” Brazilian graphics designer Cicero Moraes, who resurrected the famous Pharaoh’s face, told Pen News of the groundbreaking project. “‘It is our gift to all those who appreciate history.” Indeed, this marks a major breakthrough concerning the historical representation of Amenhotep III, who was one of history’s greatest pharaohs, presiding over an unparalleled epoch of peace and prosperity during his reign in the 14th century BC. He was also reportedly one of the richest men to have ever lived. Read more at
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