Becoming a Liberator of People | Rama Raya Prabhu speaks on chanting Hare Krishna, December 2017
(Subtitles available.) His Grace Rama Raya Prabhu speaks on the importance of distribution and propagation of the holy names of Krishna and explains how to become a liberator of people and be remembered in history.
[Jackson Heights subway station; around December 2017, Christmas time]
(Thanks to Bhaktin Kate for the video.)
0:00 Where we belong
If you go into the forest, beware of carnivorous animals that might eat you alive.
People present themselves as something, and you believe it, but it doesn’t turn out to be that way.
But in the spiritual world there isn’t anything like that, and that’s where we belong,
and this human form of life is meant to correct whatever it is that brought us here.