The Debate Was Two Assholes Bragging About What Murderous Empire Sluts They Are

Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist. Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me. Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV. Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too. Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all. Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill. Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone. Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak. Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest. Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win. Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia. Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest. Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true. Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest. Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigration. Harris: I kick immigrants in the balls for fun. [commercial break] Reading by Tim Foley. Thanks for watching! Subscribe to my Substack at for email updates on all my new stuff.
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