“Transition into Robotics“ with A. Olesen THE DRONE PIONEERS VODCAST - People Do The Flying - Ep 003

Episode - 003 By now we all know that drones are everywhere and we are all thrilled with this technical aspect or that aspect. But what about the human factor, the people that push creativity and are adding their own innovation to the mix. What about the people behind the machine? What made them to want to get involved to begin with? What is their story and their insights about the future of the industry and what they have to suggest or share with all other drone people? On an all new episode of “THE DRONE PIONEERS VODCAST“ Andy Olesen will give us his insights on drones and robotics, both ground and submersible and will share with us stories from his long journey from an age decades ago, when not even smartphones were around to the days of robotic guards and beyond! Andy Olesen is a retired police officer with over 30 years experience as a first responder, with expertise in the areas of explosives, search and rescue, and ground, air, and water robotics. He is continuously building new partnerships to promote and expand the application of robotics to various industries and sectors, specifically in the field of public safety. You can reach out to him on the Linkedin link below I hope you ll find this interview enjoyabe and beneficial Let me know on the comments!
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