Our Navy In Action (1942)

Titles read: “OUR NAVY IN ACTION - ITALIAN FLEET BEATEN IN MEDITERRANEAN - REAL BATTLE PICTURES FROM OUR CAMERAMAN AT SEA - PATHE GAZETTE“. Mediterranean Sea. Various shots of allied warships at sea that are part of a convoy taking supplies to Malta. Numerous shots of guns on board the ships firing as the convoy is attacked by the Italian Fleet. Axis bombers fly overhead; gun smoke in sky as shells explode. The attack carries on into the night - some shots at dusk. More enemy bombers appear; bombs fall around the warships, throwing up water as they explode. One of the ships sets up a smokescreen around the convoy; huge clouds of dark smoke billow from a funnel. The weather deteriorates and reaches gale force. After the naval action was broken off with “another Mussolini failure to chalk up“ the Luftwaffe steps in again. Commentator urges us to give a thought to the cameraman “who kept turning during the heat of these attacks, so as to bring to the screen the living story of this great sea an
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