Nigel Farage exposes George Soros: The biggest international political collusion in history

• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 14 November 2017 • Nigel Farage MEP, UK Independence Party (UKIP), President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group (EFDD) in the European Parliament - @Nigel_Farage - with Bluecard Question from Evelyn Regner MEP (Austria), Socialist Group (S&D) • Debate: Paradise papers Council and Commission statements [2017/2956(RSP)] Transcript: “Thank you. Well as Mr Moscovici said at the start of this, the leak of all these papers, the lists of people with offshore holdings has come about because of the Society of Investigative Journalists. But what’s not been said this morning and I think is relevant is that the funding of these investigations came from one George Soros.” Intervention - Phillip Lamberts Green MEP shouts out “So What!”. Farage - “Now I say this at a time, I’m going to come back to ‘so what’ and it may have some personal interest for you as well, I say this at a time when the use of money and the influence it may have
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