The Tygrine Cat Promo

This is the animated book trailer promo that I did for Walker Books. :) Cool experience? YES. When I made my first Tygrine Cat video, my Tygrine King Intro, on a whim, I decided to email the author, Inbali Iserles. You know, say Hi, I’m a fan, I’m making this animation. Then, to my amazement, she emailed back! She had seen the video, LOVED IT, talked to her publishers, and asked me to animate a promotional video for them to promote the upcoming sequel, The Tygrine Cat on the Run. O.o I have to say, I was on cloud 9 for about a week. :) This took half a year of work, although of concerted effort, sitting at my computer animating, it took about three months or so. I did it the slow way, with Photoshop and Movie Maker. I am extremely pleased with it. And, because of all this, the author and I are friends now. She’s excitedly awaiting my series when it comes out. :) The credits are at the end, of course. It’s all original, except that the books belong to Inbali Iserles, of course. Music by Aviv Stein.
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