Poet of the world. Mite Gogov, North Macedonia. Встречаем поэта мира Mite Gogov, North Macedonia

Mite Gogov, North Macedonia Mite Gogov was born on 11 November 1983, in Skopje, Macedonia. He writes poetry, short stories, essays and journal articles. He also writes haiku, senryu, renga and publishes them on the microblogging network twitter. His works have been translated and published in numerous anthologies, poetry books and journals for art and literature in India, Pakistan, the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Egypt, USA, Argentina, Russia, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Romania, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria… He has authored two books: Ice-cold Water, 2011 and Hidden Scripture, 2019 published by the publishing house Antolog. He has won several awards and recognitions including: “Enhalon” presented by the Struga Poetry Evenings; “Angelo La Vecchia” Prize in Sicily, Italy; Prizes at the “Poetic Literary Sparks”; “Poetry Slam” in Prilep; “Struga Waves” in Struga and many more. This year will be published his 3th poetry book… He is the president
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