In Quantum - Odyssey

Dark Sci-Fi Music on this Cyberpunk album from In Quantum 👉 Bandcamp: 👉 Spotify: 👉 Album Playlist: This Cyberpunk Ambient album from In Quantum takes you to the mega cities of the future. “Early Spring 2074 Some say the old days were different. Before cybernetics and the transhumanist revolution. Before the megacorps bought us and our nations, our hopes and our dreams. People back then did not live, work, eat and sleep their lives away within the towering megacorp arcologies. These days only the lucky do so. Before the megacorps developed the semantic networks, there were us - soulless prototypes with imprinted memories and so cybernetically enhanced that we verge ever on cyber-psychosis. Due to our post-human DNA, programmed for resilience, we work and live in areas where Humans cannot - like Sector 417. A quarantined and ir
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