The Present - Thomas Campbell Surf Film - Part 1 of 4

- The Present - Woodshed Films Hi, I’m Cienfue, a musician and also a huge surfing enthusiast from Panama. I waited for years to find this beautiful movie online and I finally decided to upload my own personal copy from a DVD I bought. The DVD is no longer available to purchase or rent online so I figured, what the hell, I just hope this wonderful artwork by Thomas Campbell reaches as many souls as possible! Enjoy! -c A wide and varied journey into the here and now of surfing, on this strange and beautiful watery planet. The Present is the latest 16mm surfing video movie from Thomas Campbell. Following The Seedling and Sprout, The Present highlights incredible riding shot in West Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, California, Sumatra and Java. Riders include: Dave Rastovich - Dane Reynolds - Joel Tudor - Sofia Mulanovich - C.J. Nelson - Ry Craike - Devon Howard - Dan Malloy - Harrison Roach - Kassia Meador - Jacob Stuth - Chelsea Georgenson Hedges - Chris DelMoro - Michael Junod - Ian King - Danny Hess - Alex Knost - Rob Machado. Running Time: 76 minutes plus over an hour of bonus.
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